Flower Bouquet Glücksbringer
Flowers say more than a thousand words
A beautiful color combination of salmon and delicate purple - Our flower bouquet Glücksbringer convinces with bright gerbera and purple freesia. As a small highlight, bright roses are integrated by our florists.
If you like bright colors, you will love this bouquet. It is ideal as a gift for a loved one. Our tip: Complete your flower shipment with a small gift like chocolate, a mug or a cuddly toy and make sure your recipient's eyes shine. Have fun giving joy.
Amount of stems | 25 - 30 |
Stem length | 55 cm |
Diameter | up to 50 cm |
Flower variety |
Your bouquet will be tied and carefully packed by our florists with love and creativity on the day of shipment. So every bouquet goes fresh on the journey.
Standard shipping by DHL parcel:
For the delivery of your flower greeting Tuesday to Saturday, an order acceptance is valid until the day before the delivery at 15:00. If the flowers are to be delivered on a Monday, the order is accepted until 15:00 on Friday. The delivery time for standard shipping is 1-2 business days. Delivery on the desired day is therefore not guaranteed.
Premium shipping by DPD Express:
Complete your express order by 3.00 pm the day before delivery at the latest. Your flowers will be freshly tied on the day of shipping and handed over to our delivery partner. Guaranteed delivery attempt on the desired day.